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Page 133 Translation and transcription

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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


Our soul supports the lord:/ because he is our helper and our shield./ For in him our heart shall be glad:/ and in his holy name we have trusted./ Let your mercy lord be upon us:/ as we have hoped in you./

Psalm 33
I will bless the Lord at all times

I WILL BLESS/ the lord at all times:/ his praise always/ in my mouth./ In the lord shall be praised/ my soul:/ let the meek hear/ and be glad./ Esteem highly/ the lord with me:/ and let us exalt his name together./ I sought out the lord and he heard me:/ and from all their troubles he delivered me./


Anima n[ost]ra sustinet d[omi]n[u]m: / q[uonia]m adiutor et protector n[oste]r est. / Quia in eo l[a]etabitur cor n[ost]r[u]m: / et in nomine s[an]c[t]o ei[us] sperabim[us]. / Fiat mis[eri]c[or]dia tua d[omi]ne sup[er] nos: / quein admodum sp[er]avim[us] inte. /
Benedica[m] d[omi]n[u]m in om[n]i
BENEDICA[M] / d[omi]n[u]m in om[n]i t[em]p[o]r[e]: / semp[er] laus eius / in ore meo. / In d[omi]no laudabit[ur] / anima mea: / audiant man/sueti et l[a]etent[ur]. / Magnificate / dominu[m] mecu[m]: / et exaltem[us] nom[en] / ei[us] in idipsum. / Exquisivi d[omi]n[u]m et exaudivit me: / et ex om[n]ib[us] tribulationib[us] meis eripuit me. /


Our soul supports the lord:/ because he is our helper and our shield./ For in him our heart shall be glad:/ and in his holy name we have trusted./ Let your mercy lord be upon us:/ as we have hoped in you./

Psalm 33
I will bless the Lord at all times

I WILL BLESS/ the lord at all times:/ his praise always/ in my mouth./ In the lord shall be praised/ my soul:/ let the meek hear/ and be glad./ Esteem highly/ the lord with me:/ and let us exalt his name together./ I sought out the lord and he heard me:/ and from all their troubles he delivered me./


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