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Psalm 69
God come to my aid

GOD COME TO MY AID: Lord/ make haste to help me./ Let them be thrown into confusion /and be ashamed:/ that seek my soul./ Let them be turned away backward/ and blush for shame: that desire evils to me./ Let them presently be turned away and blush for shame: that say to me bravo bravo./ Let all that seek you rejoice and be glad in you:/ and let them say always the lord be magnified:/ which love your salvation./ But I am needy and poor/ God help me./ You are my helper and deliverer:/ lord make no delay./

Psalm 70
[on book: In you lord]

IN YOU LORD I HAVE HOPED/ let me not be thrown into confusion for ever:/ in your justice deliver me and rescue me./


D[eu]s inadiutoriu[m ] meu[m] intende
D[EU]S IN ADIUTORIU[M] / mea[m] intende: d[omi]ne / ad adiuvandum / me festina. / Confundantur / et revereantur: / qui quer[un]t anima[m] mea[m]. / Avertant[ur] retrorsu[m] / et erubescant: qui volunt mi[hi] mala. / Autant[ur] stati[m] et erubescentes: q[u]i dic[un]t mi[hi] euge euge. / Exultent et l[a]etent[ur] in te om[ne]s q[u]i quer[un]t te: / et dicant se[m]p[er] magnificetur d[omi]n[u]s: / qui diligunt salutare tuum. / Ego vero egenus et pauper / sum d[eu]s adiuva me. / Adiutor m[eu]s et liberator m[eu]s es tu: / d[omi]ne ne moreris. /
[on book: In te d[omi]ne]
IN TE D[OMI]NE SPERAVI / non confundar in [a]eternum: / in iustitia tua lib[er]a me et eripe me. /


Psalm 69
God come to my aid

GOD COME TO MY AID: Lord/ make haste to help me./ Let them be thrown into confusion /and be ashamed:/ that seek my soul./ Let them be turned away backward/ and blush for shame: that desire evils to me./ Let them presently be turned away and blush for shame: that say to me bravo bravo./ Let all that seek you rejoice and be glad in you:/ and let them say always the lord be magnified:/ which love your salvation./ But I am needy and poor/ God help me./ You are my helper and deliverer:/ lord make no delay./

Psalm 70
[on book: In you lord]

IN YOU LORD I HAVE HOPED/ let me not be thrown into confusion for ever:/ in your justice deliver me and rescue me./


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