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Page 206 Translation and transcription

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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


I will praise the name of god with a song:/ and will magnify him in praise./ And it shall please god more than a young calf:/ that brings forth horns and hooves./ Let the poor see and rejoice:/ seek god and your soul shall live./ Because the lord has heard the poor:/ and he has not despised his prisoners./ Let the heavens and earth praise him:/ the sea and all the creeping beasts in them./ Because god will save sion and the cities of iuda shall be built up./ And they shall inhabit there:/ by inheritance they shall get it./ And the seed of his servants shall possess it:/ and they that love his name shall dwell in it./


Laudabo nomen dei cum cantico: / et magnificabo eum in laude. / Et placebit deo super vitulu[m] novellu[m]: / cornua producentem et ungulas. / Videant paup[er]es et l[a]etentur: / querite d[eu]m et vivet anima v[est]ra. / Q[uonia]m exaudivit paup[er]es d[omi]n[u]s: / et vinctos suos non despexit. / Laudent illum c[a]eli et terra: / mare et omnia reptilia in eis. / Q[uonia]m d[eu]s salvam faciet sion: / et [a]edificabuntur civitates iud[a]e. / Et inhabitabunt ibi: / et hereditate adquirent eam. / Et semen servor[um] ei[us] possidebit eam: / et qui diligunt nomen ei[us] habitabunt in ea. /


I will praise the name of god with a song:/ and will magnify him in praise./ And it shall please god more than a young calf:/ that brings forth horns and hooves./ Let the poor see and rejoice:/ seek god and your soul shall live./ Because the lord has heard the poor:/ and he has not despised his prisoners./ Let the heavens and earth praise him:/ the sea and all the creeping beasts in them./ Because god will save sion and the cities of iuda shall be built up./ And they shall inhabit there:/ by inheritance they shall get it./ And the seed of his servants shall possess it:/ and they that love his name shall dwell in it./


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