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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


Column One
In the day of judgement deliver us lord./ We sinners we beseech you/ hear us./ That you give us peace. We beseech you hear us./ That your pity and mercy/ preserve us./ That you deign to govern/ and defend your church. We beseech you hear us./ That you deign to preserve the Bishop of the Apostolic See/ and all orders of the church/ in holy religion./ That you deign to grant peace and true concord and moreover victory to our kings and princes. We beseech you hear us./ That you deign to preserve our bishops and abbots and all those congregations brought together in holy religion. We beseech you./ That you deign to preserve all holy congregations /

Column Two

in your holy service./ We beseech you hear us./ That you grant redemption to all christian peoples by your precious blo/od. We beseech you./ That you render eternal blessing to all our benefactors we beseech you hear us./ That you deliver our souls and those of our relations from eternal damnation. We beseech you hear us./ That you grant and preserve the fruits of the earth we beseech you hear us./ That you deign to cast the eyes of your mercy over us. We beseech you hear us./ That you render reasonable with indulgence our service. We beseech you hear us./ That you would lift up our minds/


In die iudicii lib[er]a nos d[omin]e. om[n]iu[m] s[an]c[t]orum
Peccatores te rogamus in tuo s[an]c[t]o seruitio
audi nos. conseruare digneris. Te rogamus.
Vt pacem nobis dones. Te rogamus. Vt cunctu[m] pop[u]l[u]m
Vt mis[er]ic[or]dia et pietas tua christ]ianu[m] p[re]cioso san-
nos custodiat. guine tuo rede[m]ptu[m]
Vt [a]eccl[es]ia[m] tua[m] regere c[on]seruare digneris. Te rogamus.
et defensare digneri[s]. Te rogamus. Vt om[n]ib[us] benefactorib[us]
Vt do[m]nu[m] apostolicu[m] n[ost]ris sempiterna
et om[ni]s gradus [a]ccl[es]i[a]e bona retribuas. Te rogamus.
in s[an]c[t]a religione con- Vt animas n[ost]ras et pa-
seruare digneris. rentu[m] n[ostr]orum ab [a]et[er]na
Vt regi n[ost]ro et principib[us] da[m]pnatione eripies. Te rogamus.
n[ost]ris pace[m] et uer[am] con Vt fructu[s] terr[a]e dare
cordiam atq[ue] uictoria[m] et conseruare digneris Te rogamus.
donare digneris. Te rogamus. Vt oc[u]los miseric[or]di[a]e tu[a]e
Vt episcopos et abbates sup[er] nos reducere
n[ost]ros et om[ne]s conrega digneris. Te rogamus.
tiones illis co[m]missas Vt obsequiu[m] serui-
in s[an]c[t]a religione con tutis n[ost]re rationa
seruare digneris. Te rogamus. bile facias. Te rogamus.
Vt congregationes Vt mentes nostras


Column One
In the day of judgement deliver us lord./ We sinners we beseech you/ hear us./ That you give us peace. We beseech you hear us./ That your pity and mercy/ preserve us./ That you deign to govern/ and defend your church. We beseech you hear us./ That you deign to preserve the Bishop of the Apostolic See/ and all orders of the church/ in holy religion./ That you deign to grant peace and true concord and moreover victory to our kings and princes. We beseech you hear us./ That you deign to preserve our bishops and abbots and all those congregations brought together in holy religion. We beseech you./ That you deign to preserve all holy congregations /

Column Two

in your holy service./ We beseech you hear us./ That you grant redemption to all christian peoples by your precious blo/od. We beseech you./ That you render eternal blessing to all our benefactors we beseech you hear us./ That you deliver our souls and those of our relations from eternal damnation. We beseech you hear us./ That you grant and preserve the fruits of the earth we beseech you hear us./ That you deign to cast the eyes of your mercy over us. We beseech you hear us./ That you render reasonable with indulgence our service. We beseech you hear us./ That you would lift up our minds/


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