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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


your inheritance: and rule and uplift them/ for ever./ Let there be peace in your strength./ and plenty in your mansions./ Let us pray for our benefactors./ Send them help lord from your holy place:/ and from sion to protect them./ Let us pray for the faithful departed./ Grant to them eternal rest lord:/ and let perpetual light shine on them./ Let the souls of your servants and handmaids/ rest in peace./ Lord god transform us with your strength: / and show your face and we shall be saved./
Lord hear graciously/ my prayer:/ and let my cry/ come to you./

[Collect 1]God whose distinctive quality is mercy/
Distinctive quality is always mercy/


hereditati tu[a]e: et rege eos et extolle illos/ usq[ue] in [a]et[er]num./ Fiat pax in uirtute tua./ et abundantia in turrib[us] tuis./ Orem[us] p[ro] benefactorib[us] n[ost]ris./ Mitte eis d[omi]ne auxilium de s[an]c[t]o:/ et de sion tuere eos./ Oremus pro fidelib[u] defunctis./ Req[u]iem [a]eterna[m] dona eis d[omi]ne:/ et lux perpetua luceat eis./ Anim[a]e famulo[rum] famularu[m]q[ue] tuaru[m]/ requiescant in pace. Am[en]./ D[omi]ne d[eu]s uirtutu[m] conuerte nos:/ et ostende faciem tua[m] et salui erim[us]./
D[omi]ne exaudi/ oratione[m] meam:/ et clamor meus/ ad te ueniat./
d[eu]s cui p[ro]p[r]iu[m] est misereri/
p[ro]priu[m] est misereri/


your inheritance: and rule and uplift them/ for ever./ Let there be peace in your strength./ and plenty in your mansions./ Let us pray for our benefactors./ Send them help lord from your holy place:/ and from sion to protect them./ Let us pray for the faithful departed./ Grant to them eternal rest lord:/ and let perpetual light shine on them./ Let the souls of your servants and handmaids/ rest in peace./ Lord god transform us with your strength: / and show your face and we shall be saved./
Lord hear graciously/ my prayer:/ and let my cry/ come to you./

[Collect 1]God whose distinctive quality is mercy/
Distinctive quality is always mercy/


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