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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


Lord bow down your heavens and descend:/ touch the mountains and they will smoke./ Flash lightening and you shall scatter them:/ shoot out your arrows and you shall destroy them./ Send forth your hand from on high: take me out and deliver me/ from many waters and from the hand of strange children./ Whose mouth has spoken vanity:/ and their right hand is the right hand of wickedness./

Psalm 143: 9
Who gives salvation to kings
[on book: God a new song]

GOD I will sing a new SONG to you:/ on the psaltery and on an instrument of ten strings/ I will play the lyre to you./ Who gave salvation/ to kings who had redeemed/ david your servant/ from the malicious sword/ deliver me./ And rescue me from the hand of strange children:/ whose mouth has spoken vanity:/ and their right hand is the right hand of wickedness./ Whose sons are like new plants


D[omi]ne inclina c[a]elos tuos et descende: / tange montes et fumigabunt. / Fulgura coruscatione[m] et dissipabis eos: / emitte sagittas tuas et conturbabis eos. / Emitte manu[m] tua[m] de alto: eripe me et lib[er]a me / de aq[u]is multis et de manu filior[um] alienor[um]. / Quor[um] os locutum est vanitatem: / et dextera eor[um] dextera iniquitatis.
Qui das salute[m] regibus
[on book: D[eu]s canticu[m] novu[m]]

D[EU]S CANTICU[M] / novu[m] cantabo tibi: / in psalterio decachord / psallam tibi. / Qui das salutem / regib[us] qui redemisti / david servu[m] tuu[m] / de gladio maligno / eripe me. / Et erue me de manu filior[um] alienor[um]: /Quor[um] os locutum est vanitatem: / et dextera eor[um] dextera iniquitatis. / Quor[um] filii sicut novell[a]e plantationes: /


Lord bow down your heavens and descend:/ touch the mountains and they will smoke./ Flash lightening and you shall scatter them:/ shoot out your arrows and you shall destroy them./ Send forth your hand from on high: take me out and deliver me/ from many waters and from the hand of strange children./ Whose mouth has spoken vanity:/ and their right hand is the right hand of wickedness./

Psalm 143: 9
Who gives salvation to kings
[on book: God a new song]

GOD I will sing a new SONG to you:/ on the psaltery and on an instrument of ten strings/ I will play the lyre to you./ Who gave salvation/ to kings who had redeemed/ david your servant/ from the malicious sword/ deliver me./ And rescue me from the hand of strange children:/ whose mouth has spoken vanity:/ and their right hand is the right hand of wickedness./ Whose sons are like new plants


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