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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


Latin titles which accompany the tinted drawings of scenes from the life of St Alexis

Blessed Alexis, chosen youth

Oh blessed Bride, forever bound to grief

Final gifts are given to the chaste bride. A ring and a swordbelt, the end of words, and hail!

Behold blessed Alexis received onto the ship

Prologue in prose

Here begins the pleasant song and pious account of that noble lord named Eufemien and of the life of his blessed son about whom we have heard readings and song. By God’s will and his own wish he (Eufemien) begat this one son. After the birth this was a child beloved of God himself and he was brought up with great affection by his father and mother. His youth was honourable and devout. Out of regard for sovereign piety he commends his young bride to the true living Bridegroom who is one sole creator and who reigns in the Trinity. This story is a pleasing grace and a supreme consolation for the pious minds of all those who live purely in chastity and worthily take delight in heavenly joys and virginal marriage./


Beatus alesis
puer electus
O Sponsa beata
se[m]p[er] gemebunda
Ultima pudice donantur
munera sponse anulus &
remge verboru[m] finis
et ave
Ecce b[e]n[e]dictus alexis
recept[us] in nave
   Ici cumencet amiable cancun e spiritel raisun d’iceol no/ble barun eufemien par num · e de la vie de sum filz boneu/ret del quel nus avum oit lire e canter · par le divine/ volentet · il desirrables icel sul filz angendrat · Apres le naisance/ co fut emfes de deu methime amet · e de pere e de mere/ par grant certet nurrit · la sue iuvente fut honeste e spiritel ·/par l’amistet del surerain pietet la sue spuse iuvene cuman/dat al spus vif de veritet ki est un sul faitur e regnet/ an trinitiet · Icesta istorie est amiable grace e suverain/ consulaciun a cascun memorie spiritel · les quels vivent/ purement sulunc castethet · e dignement sei delitent/ es goies del ciel & es noces virginels· /


Latin titles which accompany the tinted drawings of scenes from the life of St Alexis

Blessed Alexis, chosen youth

Oh blessed Bride, forever bound to grief

Final gifts are given to the chaste bride. A ring and a swordbelt, the end of words, and hail!

Behold blessed Alexis received onto the ship

Prologue in prose

Here begins the pleasant song and pious account of that noble lord named Eufemien and of the life of his blessed son about whom we have heard readings and song. By God’s will and his own wish he (Eufemien) begat this one son. After the birth this was a child beloved of God himself and he was brought up with great affection by his father and mother. His youth was honourable and devout. Out of regard for sovereign piety he commends his young bride to the true living Bridegroom who is one sole creator and who reigns in the Trinity. This story is a pleasing grace and a supreme consolation for the pious minds of all those who live purely in chastity and worthily take delight in heavenly joys and virginal marriage./


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