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For publications since 2006, see The ?Albani? Psalter: Bibliography compiled by Peter Kidd

Bibliography for The St Albans Psalter, in chronological order, compiled by Jane Geddes
Bibliography for La Vie de Saint Alexis, compiled by Margaret Jubb
1 Reference Works
2 Selected Editions and Transcriptions of the Vie de Saint Alexis based on the Hildesheim MS (L) in chronological order
3 Selected Studies of the Vie de Saint Alexis in chronological order
4 The Literary Context of the Vie de Saint Alexis
4.1 Anglo-Norman Language and Literature
4.2 Old French Language and Literature (general)
4.3 Medieval Narrative
4.4 Hagiography (Saints’ Lives)
4.5 Medieval Drama
5 History of The Legend of Saint Alexis
6 Christina of Markyate (in connection with Alexis)
7 The St Albans Psalter (in connection with Alexis)


in chronological order,
compiled by Jane Geddes


Gesta Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani a Thomas? Walsingham, H.T.Riley (ed.), vol 1, London


T.Vatke, ?Das Leben des heiligen Alexis?, Archiv fűr? das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Litteraturen, herausgegeben von Ludwig Herrig, XXXIX, bd 73, 1885, Braunschweig


Adolf Goldschmidt, Der Albani-Psalter in Hildesheim und seine Beziehung zur symbolischen Kirchensculptur des XII.Jahrhunderts, Berlin, 1895

(1959), 1998

The Life of Christina of Markyate, C.H.Talbot, ed. and trans., Oxford Medieval Texts, Oxford , first edition 1959, revised 1987. Revised and reprinted 1998 , for Medieval Academy of America, Toronto


Otto P?cht, C.R.Dodwell, F.Wormald, The St Albans Psalter (Albani Psalter), Warburg Institute, London, 1960


Cologne, Schn?tgen Museum, Grosse Kunst des Mittelalters aus Privatbesitz, no.105 [The K?ln leaf]


Otto P?cht, The Rise of Pictorial Narrative in twelfth-century England, Oxford


H. Swarzenski, review of? O. P?cht et al,The St Albans Psalter, in? Kunstchronik, xvi, 81, 77-85


Larry M.Ayres , ?The Role of an Angevin Style in English Romanesque Painting?, Zeitschrift f?r Kunstwissenschaft, 37, 214-217


C.M.Kauffmann, Romanesque Manuscripts, 1066-1190, A Survey of Manuscripts illuminated in the British Isles,3, 68-70, London


B. Schmolke-Hasselman, 'Ring, Schwert und G?rtel in Albanipslaster', Zeitschrift f?r romanische Sprache und Literatur,? 87 (1977), 304-13


C.J. Holdsworth, ?Christina of Markyate? in? D. Baker (ed.), Medieval Women: Essays presented to R.M.T. Hill on the occasion of her 70th birthday, Studies in Church History, Subsidia 1, Oxford, pp. 185-204


Rodney M.Thomson, Manuscripts from St Albans Abbey, 1066-1235, Woodbridge, 2 vols.


T.A.Heslop, ?The Visual Arts and Crafts? in The Cambridge Guide to Arts in Britain, II, The Middle Ages, ed. Boris Ford, Cambridge, 164-170


Ursula Nilgen, ?Psalter der Christina von Markyate (sogenannter Albani-Psalter) in Di?zesan-Museum Hildesheim, Der Schatz von St Godehard, [exhibition catalogue Hildesheim Di?zesan-Museum], no. 69, Hildesheim, 152-65


R.Bullington, The Alexis in the St Albans Psalter: a look into the heart of the matter, New York, 1991


C.R.Dodwell, The Pictorial Arts of the West, 800-1200, New Haven and London, pp 328-32


Kathleen Openshaw, ?Weapons in the daily battle: images of the conquest of evil in the early medieval psalter?, Art Bulletin, 75,? 17-38


Kristine E.Haney, ?The St Albans Psalter: a reconsideration?, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 58, 1-28


M.H.Caviness, ?Anchoress, Abbess, Queen: Donors and Patrons or Intercessors and Matrons??, in?? McCash, J.H., The Cultural Patronage of Medieval Women, Georgia, 105-153


K.E.Haney, ? The St Albans Psalter and the new spiritual ideals of the twelfth century?, Viator, 1997, 28, 145-173


U. M?lk, La Chanson de Saint Alexis, Facsimil? en couleurs du manuscrit de Hildesheim publi? avec introduction et bibliographie, G?ttingen


M.E.Carrasco, ?The Imagery of the Magdalen in Christina of Markyate?s Psalter (The St Albans Psalter)? Gesta, ?xxxvii, 1999, 67-80


Ulrich Knapp, Buch und Bild im Mittelalter, Dom-Museum Hildesheim, Hildesheim, pp 91-115


Kristine Haney, The St. Albans Psalter, an Anglo-Norman Song of Faith, New York

2003 R.Thomson, The Ending of 'Alter Orbis': Books and Learning in Twelfth-Century England. The Lyell Lectures for 2000-2001 (Walkern, Herts., and Los Altos Hills, Cal.; Red Gull Press and Anderson-Lovelace), in press for 2003
2005 Geddes, Jane, The St Albans Psalter: a book for Christina of Markyate, London, 2005
2005 Geddes, Jane, Der Albani- Psalter, eine englische Prachthandschrift des 12.jahrhubderts fur Christina von Markyate, Regensburg, 2005
2005 Powell, Morgan, “Making the Psalter of Christina of Markyate (The St. Albans Psalter),” Viator 36(2005): 293–335.


Powell, Morgan “The visual, the visionary and her viewer: media and presence in the Psalter of Christina of Markyate (The St. Albans Psalter), Word & Image 22(2006): 340–362.

Compiled by Margaret Jubb

1 Reference Works

Stone and? Rothwell, 1977

L.W.Stone and W. Rothwell, Anglo-Norman Dictionary, London

Storey,? 1987

C. Storey,? An Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Alexis Studies, Histoire des id?es et critique litt?raire 251, Geneva

Woledge and Clive, 1964

B. Woledge, and H.P. Clive, R?pertoire des plus anciens textes en prose fran?aise depuis 842 jusqu?aux premi?res ann?es du XIIIe si?cle, Publications Romanes et Fran?aises 79, Geneva.? The preface to Alexis is S92, number 37; the translation of Gregory?s letter is S68, number 17.

2 Selected Editions and Transcriptions of the Vie de Saint Alexis based on the Hildesheim MS (L) in chronological order

M?ller, 1845

W. M?ller, ?La Chanson d?Alexis?, Zeitschrift f?r deutsches Altertum 5, 299-318

Hofmann, 1868

C. Hofmann, Alexis. Pariser Glossar 3692, Munich

Paris and Pannier, 1872

G. Paris and L. Pannier , La Vie de Saint Alexis: po?me du XIe si?cle et renouvellements des XIIe, XIIIe et? XIVe si?cles, Collection philologique, nouvelle s?rie, 5e fascicule, Paris

?Paris, 1885

G. Paris, La Vie de saint Alexis, Classiques fran?ais du moyen ?ge, Paris

Vatke, 1885

T. Vatke, ?Das Leben des heiligen Alexis.? Mit Beif?gung des altfranz?sischen Originals aus dem 11. Jahrhundert, nach der Ausgabe von Gaston Paris, ?bersetzt von T.V.?, Archiv f?r das Studium der neueren Sprachen 73, 290-324

Stengel, 1886

E.M.Stengel, La can?un de saint Alexis.? Photographie der Hildesheimer Handschrift zuProf. Dr.? Edumund? Stengel?s Abdruck im Heft 1 der von ihm ver?ffentlichten: Ausgaben und? in Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der romanischen Philologie, Hildesheim

Meunier, 1933?

J.M. Meunier, La Vie de saint Alexis, po?me fran?ais du XIe si?cle, texte du manuscrit de Hildesheim, traduction litt?rale, ?tude grammaticale, glossaire, Paris

Storey, 1968

C.Storey, La Vie de Saint Alexis: texte du manuscrit de Hildesheim (L), Geneva

Odenkirchen, 1978

C. J. Odenkirchen, The Life of St. Alexius; in the Old French version of the Hildesheim manuscript: the original text reviewed, with comparative Greek and Latin versions, all accompanied by English translations; and an introductory study, a bibliography, and appendices, Brookline, Mass. and Leyden

Elliott,? 1983

A. G. Elliott, The ?Vie de saint Alexis? in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries: an edition and commentary, North Carolina Studies in the Romance languages and literatures 221, Chapel Hill

M?lk, 1997

U. M?lk, La Chanson de Saint Alexis, Facsimil? en couleurs du manuscrit de Hildesheim publi? avec introduction et bibliographie, G?ttingen

Perugi, 2000

M. Perugi, La Vie de Saint Alexis: ?dition critique, Geneva

3 Selected Studies of the Vie de Saint Alexis in chronological order

Winkler, 1927

Emil Winkler, ?Von der Kunst des Alexiusdichters?, Zeitschrift f?r romanische Philologie 47, 588-97

Curtius, 1936

E.R. Curtius, ?Zur Interpretation des Alexiusliedes?, Zeitschrift f?r romanische Philologie 56, 113-37

Gaiffier, 1947

B. de Gaiffier, ?Intactam sponsam relinquens.? A propos de la VSA?, Analecta Bollandiana 65, 157-95

Hatcher, 1952

A.G. Hatcher, ?The Old French Alexis poem: a mathematical demonstration?, Traditio 8, 111-58

Sckommodau, 1954

H. Sckommodau, ?Zum altfranz?sischen Alexiuslied?, Zeitschrift f?r romanische Philologie 70, 161-203

Lausberg, 1955

H. Lausberg, ?Zum altfranz?sischen Alexiuslied?, Archiv f?r das Studium der neueren Sprachen 191, 202-13; 285-320

Sckommodau, 1956

H.Sckommodau, ?Alexius in Liturgie, Malerei und Dichtung?, Zeitschrift f?r romanische Philologie 72, 165-94

Bulatkin, 1959

E.W. Bulatkin, ?The Arithmetical Structure of the Old French Vie de saint Alexis?, Publications of the Modern Language Association 74, 495-502

Goosse, 1960

A. Goosse, ?La VSA?, Lettres Romanes 14, 62-5

Sckommodau, 1963

H.Sckommodau, ?Das Alexiuslied. Die Datierungsfrage und das problem der Askese?, in Medium Aevum Romanicum. Festschrift f?r Hans Rheinfelder, Munich, pp. 298-324

Smeets, 1963

J.R. Smeets, ?Alexis et la Bible de Hermann de Valenciennes: Le probl?me de l?origine de la laisse?, Cahiers de Civilisation M?di?vale 6, 315-25

Vincent, 1963

P. R.? Vincent, ?The Dramatic Aspect of the Old-French Vie de saint Alexis?, Studies in Philology 60, 525-41

Pauphilet, 1964

A. Pauphilet, ?La Vie de saint Alexis?, in G. Grente (ed.), Dictionnaire des Lettres fran?aises, 5 vols, Paris, i, Le Moyen Age, pp. 667-8

Waltz, 1965

M. Waltz, Rolandslied, Wilhelmslied, Alexiuslied: zur Struktur und geschichtlichen Bedeutung, Heidelberg

Tyssens, 1966

M. Tyssens, ?Le Prologue de la Vie de saint Alexis dans le manuscrit de Hildesheim?, in Studi in onore di Italo Siciliano, 2 vols, Florence, ii, pp. 1165-77

Uitti, 1966-7

K. Uitti, ?The Old French Vie de saint Alexis: Paradigm, Legend, Meaning?, Romance Philology 20, 263-95

Atkinson, 1969

J. Atkinson, ?Triplet sequences in the VSA?, Romance Notes 11, 414-19

Robertson, 1970

H.S. Robertson, ?La Vie de saint Alexis: Meaning and Manuscript A?, Studies in Philology 67, 419-38

Uitti, 1970

K.Uitti,? ?Recent Alexis studies from Germany?, Romance Philology 24, 128-37

Gn?dinger, 1972

L. Gn?dinger, ?Zur Can?un de saint Alexis?, in Eremitica: Studien zur altfranz?sischen Heiligenvita des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts, Beihefte zur Zeitschrift f?r romanische Philologie 130,T?bingen, pp. 1-91

Maddox, 1973

D. Maddox, ?Pilgrimage Narrative and Meaning in Manuscripts L and A of the Vie de saint Alexis?, Romance Philology 27, 143-57

Uitti, 1973

K.Uitti,? Story, Myth, and Celebration in Old French Narrative Poetry, 1050-1200, Princeton, pp. 3-64

Fox, 1974

J. Fox, A Literary History of France: the Middle Ages, London, pp. 21-34

Carr, 1976

G. F. Carr, ?On the Vie de saint Alexis?, Romance Notes 17, 204-7

McCulloch, 1977

F. McCulloch, ?Saint Euphrosine, Saint Alexis, and the Turtledove?, Romania 98, 168-85

M?lk, 1977

U.M?lk, ?Bemerkungen zu den franz?sischen Prosatexten im Albanipsalter?, Zeitschrift f?r franz?sische Sprache und Literatur 87, 289-303

Schmolke-Hasselmann, 1977

B. Schmolke-Hasselmann, ?Ring, Schwert und G?rtel in Albanipsalter?, Zeitschrift f?r romanische Sprache und Literatur 87, 304-13

M?lk, 1978

U.M?lk, ?La Chanson de saint Alexis et le culte du saint en France aux XIe et XIIe si?cles?, Cahiers de Civilisation M?di?vale 21, 339-55

Stebbins, 1978

C.E. Stebbins, ?Une Etude comparative des trois grandes versions en vers de la Vie de saint Alexis conserv?es en vieux fran?ais?, Revue des Langues Romanes 83, 379-403

Elliott, 1981

A. G. Elliott, ?The Vie de saint Alexis: Oral versus Written Style?, VIII Congreso de la Soci?t? Rencesvals, Pamplona, pp. 137-48

Rychner, 1985

J. Rychner, Du Saint-Alexis ? Fran?ois Villon, Publications Romanes et Fran?aises 169, Geneva, pp. 21-37, 39-45, 47-63

Cazelles, 1989

B. Cazelles, ?1050? An Unidentified Copyist from Normandy, probably from Rouen, writes the hagiographic Vie de saint Alexis?, in A New History of French Literature, edited by D. Holler et al, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 13-18

Kendrick, 1989

L. Kendrick, ?1123?? A Richly Illustrated Latin Psalter, prefaced by a vernacular Chanson de saint Alexis is produced at the English monastery of St. Albans for Christina of Markyate?, in A New History of French Literature, edited by D. Holler et al, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 23-30

Leupin, 1989

A. Leupin, ?Naming God: La vie de Saint Alexis?, in Barbarolexis: Medieval writing and sexuality, translated by K.M. Cooper, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 39-58

Bullington, 1991

R. Bullington, The Alexis in the Saint Albans Psalter: a look into the heart of the matter, New York

Pinder, 1994

J.M. Pinder, ?Transformations of a Theme: Marriage and Sanctity in the Old French St Alexis Poems?, in K. Pratt (ed.),? Shifts and Transpositions in Medieval Narrative, A Festschrift for Dr Elspeth Kennedy, Cambridge, pp. 71-88

Camille, 1995

M. Camille, ?Philological Iconoclasm: Edition and Image in the VSA?, in R.H. Bloch and S. Nichols (eds), Medievalism and the Modernist Temper, Baltimore and London

Eusebi, 1998

M. Eusebi, ?Le due conclusioni del Saint Alexis?, in J.-C. Faucon, A. Labb?. D. Qu?ruel (eds), Miscellanea Mediaevalia, M?langes offerts ? Philippe M?nard, 2 vols, Paris, i, pp. 485-91

4 The Literary Context of the Vie de Saint Alexis

4.1 Anglo-Norman Language and Literature

Blaess, 1973

M.? Blaess, ?Les manuscrits fran?ais dans les monast?res anglais au Moyen-Age?, Romania 94, 321-58

Clanchy, 1979

M.T. Clanchy,.? From Memory to Written Record: England 1066-1307, London

Legge ,1950

M.D. Legge, Anglo-Norman in the Cloisters: the influence of the orders upon Anglo-Norman literature, Edinburgh

Legge, 1956

M.D. Legge, ?Archaism and the Conquest?, Modern Language Review 51, 227-9

Legge, 1963

M.D. Legge, Anglo-Norman Literature and its background, Oxford


M.K.? Pope, From Latin to Modern French with especial consideration of Anglo-Norman, Manchester


Peter Rickard, Britain in Medieval French Literature 1100-1500, Cambridge

4.2?????? Old French Language and Literature (general)

Fox, 1974

J. Fox, A Literary History of France: the Middle Ages, London


S. Gaunt, Gender and Genre in Medieval French Literature, Cambridge Studies in French 53, Cambridge

Gaunt, 2001

S. Gaunt,? Retelling the Tale: an introduction to medieval French literature, London


P.? Rickard, A History of the French Language, London

4.3?????? Medieval Narrative

Auerbach, 1953

E. Auerbach, Mimesis: the representation of reality in Western Literature, translated from the German by W.R. Trask, Princeton, pp. 111-20

Curtius, 1953

E.R. Curtius, European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages, London

Hatzfield, 1947-8

Helmut A.? Hatzfield, ?Esthetic criticism applied to Medieval Romance Literature?, Romance Philology 1, 305-27


H.R. Jauss, ?Levels of Identification of Hero and Audience?, New Literary History 5, 283-317

Hunt, 1973

Tony Hunt, ?The Structure of Medieval Narrative?, Journal of European Studies 3, 295-328


W.W.? Ryding, Structure in Medieval Narrative, The Hague

4.4?????? Hagiography (Saints? Lives)

Aston, 1970

S.C. Aston,?? ?The Saint in Medieval Literature?, Modern Language Review 65, xxv-lxii


P.F. Dembowski, ?Literary Problems of Hagiography in Old French?, Medievalia et Humanistica 7, 117-30

Johnson and Cazelles, 1979

P.Johnson, and B. Cazelles? Le vain siecle guerpir: A Literary Approach to Sainthood through Old French Hagiography of the Twelfth Century, North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures 205, Chapel Hill

4.5?????? Medieval Drama

Frank, 1954

G. Frank, The Medieval French Drama, Oxford


L. Muir, The Biblical Drama of Medieval Europe, Cambridge

5????????? History of The Legend of Saint Alexis

Amiaud, 1889

A. Amiaud, La L?gende syriaque de saint Alexis, l?homme de Dieu, Biblioth?que de l?Ecole des Hautes Etudes 79, Paris


M. R?sler, Die Fassungen der Alexiuslegende, mit besondere Ber?cksichtigung der Mittelenglischen Versionen, Wiener Beitr?ge zur englischen Philologie 21, Vienna and Leipzig

6????????? Christina of Markyate

Caviness, 1996

M.H. Caviness, ?Anchoress, Abbess and Queen: Donors and patrons or intercessors and matrons? in J. McCash (ed.), The Cultural Patronage of Medieval Women, Athens, Georgia, pp.105-54

Elkins, 1988

S.K. Elkins,? Holy Women of Twelfth-Century England, Chapel Hill and London, pp. 27-38


C.J. Holdsworth, ?Christina of Markyate? in? D. Baker (ed.), Medieval Women: Essays presented to R.M.T. Hill on the occasion of her 70th birthday, Studies in Church History, Subsidia 1, pp. 185-204


C.H Talbot,? The Life of Christina of Markyate: a twelfth-century recluse, Oxford

Talbot, 1962

C.H.Talbot, ?Christina of Markyate: A monastic narrative of the Twelfth Century?, in Essays and Studies 15, 13-26

7 ???????? The St Albans Psalter

Goldschmidt, 1895

Adolf Goldschmidt, Der Albani-Psalter in Hildesheim und seine Beziehung zur symbolischen Kirchensculptur des XII.Jahrhunderts, Berlin

Haney, 1995

K.E.? Haney, ?The St Albans Psalter: a reconsideration?, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 58, 1-28


O. P?cht, C.R. Dodwell, and F. Wormald? The St. Albans Psalter, Studies of the Warburg Institute 25, London


Compiled by Jane Geddes

Aelred, 1982

?The Rule of Life for a Recluse?, trans. Mary Macpherson, in Aelred of Rievaulx, Treatises, The Pastoral Prayer, Cistercian Fathers Series: no2, Kalamazoo, 41-103.


St Ambrose,? Expositio Psalmi CXVIII, ed. M.Petschenig, ?Corpus Scriptorum Ecclestiasticorum Latinorum 62, section V, 1-47, 1999, Vindobonae

Amiaud, 1889

A. Amiaud, La L?gende syriaque de saint Alexis, l?homme de Dieu, Biblioth?que de l?Ecole des Hautes Etudes 79, Paris


Otto P?cht, C.R.Dodwell, F.Wormald, The St Albans Psalter (Albani Psalter), Studies of the Warburg Institute, 25, London, 1960

Aston, 1970

S.C. Aston,?? ?The Saint in Medieval Literature?, Modern Language Review 65, xxv-lxii

Atkinson, 1969

J. Atkinson, ?Triplet sequences in the VSA?, Romance Notes 11, 414-19

Auerbach, 1953

E. Auerbach, Mimesis: the representation of reality in Western Literature, translated from the German by W.R. Trask, Princeton, pp. 111-20


St Augustine,? Enarrationes in psalmos, Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina 10 (3), 1956 Turnholt

Baker and Lapidge, 1995

Byrthferth?s Enchiridion, P.Baker and M. Lapidge (eds), Early English Text Society, SS 15

Blaess, 1973

M.? Blaess, ?Les manuscrits fran?ais dans les monast?res anglais au Moyen-Age?, Romania 94, 321-58

Brandt, 1998

?Vortragekreuz? in Di?zesan-Museum Hildesheim, Der Schatz von St Godehard, [exhibition catalogue Hildesheim Di?zesan-Museum], Hildesheim, No. 32, 98-101

Brooke, 1989

Christopher N.L.Brooke, The Medieval Idea of Marriage, Oxford

Bulatkin, 1959

E.W. Bulatkin, ?The Arithmetical Structure of the Old French Vie de saint Alexis?, Publications of the Modern Language Association 74, 495-502

Bullington, 1991

R. Bullington, The Alexis in the St Albans Psalter: a look into the heart of the matter, New York

Camille, 1985

Michael Camille, ? Seeing and reading: some visual implications of medieval literacy and illiteracy?, Art History, 8, 1985, 26-49

Camille, 1995

M. Camille, ?Philological Iconoclasm: Edition and Image in the Vie de Saint Alexis?, in R.H.Bloch and S,Nichols (eds) Medievalism and the Modern Temper, Baltimore and London, 371-401

Carr, 1976

G. F. Carr, ?On the Vie de saint Alexis?, Romance Notes 17, 204-7

Carrasco, 1999

M.E.Carrasco, ?The Imagery of the Magdalen in Christina of Markyate?s Psalter (The St Albans Psalter)? Gesta, ?xxxvii, 1999, 67-80

Caviness, 1996

M.H.Caviness, ?Anchoress, Abbess, Queen: Donors and Patrons or Intercessors and Matrons??, in?? McCash, J.H., The Cultural Patronage of Medieval Women, Georgia, 105-153

Cazelles, 1989

B. Cazelles, ?1050? An Unidentified Copyist from Normandy, probably from Rouen, writes the hagiographic Vie de saint Alexis?, in A New History of French Literature, edited by D. Holler et al, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 13-18

Cheney, 1978

C.R.Cheney, Handbook of dates for students of English History, London

Clanchy, 1979

M.T. Clanchy,.? From Memory to Written Record: England 1066-1307, London

Coyne, 1983

G.V. Coyne et al., eds., Gregorian Reform of the Calendar. Proceedings of the Vatican Conference to Commemorate its 400th Anniverary, 1582-1982 (Specola Vaticana: Pontificia Academia Scientiarum, 1983), Rome

Curtius, 1936

E.R. Curtius, ?Zur Interpretation des Alexiusliedes?, Zeitschrift f?r romanische Philologie 56, 113-37

Curtius, 1953

E.R. Curtius, European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages, London


P. F. Dembowski, ?Literary Problems of Hagiography in Old French?, Medievalia et Humanistica 7, 117-30

Deshman 1997

R.Deshman, ?Another look at the Disappearing Christ: corporeal and spiritual vision in Early Medieval Images?, Art Bulletin, LXXIX, 1997, 518-543

Dodwell, 1993

C.R.Dodwell, The Pictorial Arts of the West, 800-1200, New Haven and London, pp328-32

Dodwell, 2000

C.R.Dodwell, Anglo-Saxon gestures and the Roman stage, Cambridge

Elkins, 1988

S.K. Elkins,? Holy Women of Twelfth-Century England, Chapel Hill and London, pp. 27-38

Elliott, 1981

A. G. Elliott, ?The Vie de saint Alexis: Oral versus Written Style?, VIII Congreso de la Soci?t? Rencesvals, Pamplona, pp. 137-48

Elliott,? 1983

A. G. Elliott, The ?Vie de saint Alexis? in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries: an edition and commentary, North Carolina Studies in the Romance languages and literatures 221, Chapel Hill

Epistola, 1975

?Epistola ad amicum? in Marvin L. Colker, Analecta Dublinensia: three medieval Latin texts in the library of Trinity College, Dublin, Cambridge, Mass, 1975, 91-160

Eusebi, 1998

M. Eusebi, ?Le due conclusioni del Saint Alexis?, in J.-C. Faucon, A. Labb?. D. Qu?ruel (eds), Miscellanea Mediaevalia, M?langes offerts ? Philippe M?nard, 2 vols, Paris, i, pp. 485-91

Fox, 1974

J. Fox, A Literary History of France: the Middle Ages, London, pp. 21-34

?Frank, 1954

G. Frank, The Medieval French Drama, Oxford


?Gesta Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani a Thomas? Walsingham, H.T.Riley (ed.), vol 1, London 1867.

Gaiffier, 1947

B. de Gaiffier, ?Intactam sponsam relinquens.? A propos de la VSA?, Analecta Bollandiana 65, 157-95


S. Gaunt, Gender and Genre in Medieval French Literature, Cambridge Studies in French 53, Cambridge

Gaunt, 2001

S. Gaunt,? Retelling the Tale: an introduction to medieval French literature, London

Gibson, 1992

The Eadwine Psalter, eds. M.Gibson, T.A.Heslop, R.W.Pfaff, London and University Park, 1992

Gn?dinger, 1972

L. Gn?dinger, ?Zur Can?un de saint Alexis?, in Eremitica: Studien zur altfranz?sischen Heiligenvita des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts, Beihefte zur Zeitschrift f?r romanische Philologie 130,T?bingen, pp. 1-91


Vita S.Godrici, ed. J.Stevenson, Surtees Society, Durham, 1847 ?

Goldschmidt, 1895

Adolf Goldschmidt, Der Albani-Psalter in Hildesheim und seine Beziehung zur symbolischen Kirchensculptur des XII.Jahrhunderts, Berlin

Goosse, 1960

A. Goosse, ?La VSA?, Lettres Romanes 14, 62-5

G?nzel, 1993

B.G?nzel, Aelfwine?s Prayerbook (London, British Library, Cotton Titus D.xxvi +xxvii) , Henry Bradshaw Society, 108, London

Hamburger, 1989

J.Hamburger, ?The Visual and the Visionary: the image in late medieval monastic devotions?, Viator, XX, 161-182

Haney, 1995

Kristine E.Haney, ?The St Albans Psalter: a reconsideration?, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 58, 1-28

Haney, 1997

K.E.Haney, ? The St Albans Psalter and the new spiritual ideals of the twelfth century?, Viator, 1997, 28, 145-173

Haney, 2002

Kristine Haney, The St. Albans Psalter, an Anglo-Norman Song of Faith, New York

Harzell, 1971

K.D.Harzell, The Musical Repertoire at St Albans Abbey, England, in the twelfth century, Ph.D.Diss, University of Rochester, New York, 2 vols

Hatcher, 1952

A.G. Hatcher, ?The Old French Alexis poem: a mathematical demonstration?, Traditio 8, 111-58

Hatzfield, 1947-8

Helmut A.? Hatzfield, ?Esthetic criticism applied to Medieval Romance Literature?, Romance Philology 1, 305-27

Head, 1990

T.Head, ?The marriages of Christina of Markyate?, Viator,? 1990, 21, 75-101

Henderson, 1981

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